Scientific Presentations
Invited Talks
"The Chemistry of Cultural Heritage: Preserving and Understanding Ancient Art", Biochemistry Literacy for Kids (online presentation), August 2022
“Advancements in NMR Crystallography for Exploring Polymorphism”, Molecular Crystal Polymorphism: How, When and Why Molecules Pack in the Solid State Symposium at the ACS Meeting (online presentation), April 2021
“Mobile NMR in Pursuit of Ancient Mummies and Art Forgers”, Regional E-Gathering in Chemistry, UAE (online presentation), March 2021
“How to Use a MOUSE to Detect an Art Forgery”, The 12th Australian and New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance Conference (ANZMAG), Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, November 2019
“Investigating Humans and Art with Mobile NMR”, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, November 2019
“NMR Endeavors in the World of Drugs and Art Forgers”, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA, October 2019
“A MOUSE for Heritage: In Pursuit of Art and Culture”, EUROISMAR conference, Berlin, Germany, August 2019
“A Journey into the Past with the NMR-MOUSE”, NMR Transition Colloquium, RWTH-Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, July 2019
“NMR Endeavors in the World of Drugs and Art Forgers”, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, June 2019
“Advancements in NMR Crystallography for Exploring Polymorphism”, Bariloche Atomic Centre, Bariloche, Argentina, June 2019
“Mobile NMR in Pursuit of Ancient Mummies and Art Forgers”, Bariloche Atomic Centre, Bariloche, Argentina, June 2019
“NMR Endeavors in the World of Drugs and Art Forgers”, University of California, San Diego, USA, January 2019
“Advancements in NMR Crystallography for Exploring Polymorphism”, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, USA, January 2019
“Advancements in NMR Crystallography for Exploring Polymorphism”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA, December 2018
“Advancements in NMR Crystallography for Exploring Polymorphism”, Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, USA, December 2018
“Exploring Culture and History through NMR”, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, December 2018
“Advancements in NMR Crystallography for Exploring Polymorphism”, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, November 2018
“NMR Endeavors in the World of Drugs and Art Forgers”, University of California, Berkeley, USA, November 2018
“Advancements in NMR Crystallography for Exploring Polymorphism”, University of California, Riverside, USA, November 2018
“Exploring Culture and History through NMR”, Stockholm University, Sweden, November 2018
“New Tools in NMR Crystallography of Drugs”, University of Marseille, France, October 2018
“New Tools in NMR Crystallography of Drugs”, The Center of NMR at Very High Fields, ENS-Lyon, France, October 2018
“Mobile NMR in Pursuit of Ancient Mummies and Art Forgers”, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, USA, September 2018
“NMR Crystallography – A New Tool for Solving Crystal Structures”, Thomas Young Centre, London, UK, June 2018
“Art, forgeries, and NMR”, Leibniz Institute of Molecular Pharmacology, Berlin, Germany, May 2018
“Mobile NMR for Cultural Heritage Research”, Pratt’s Science and Art Symposium, New York, NY, USA, April 2018
“Advancements in NMR Crystallography for Exploring Polymorphism”, New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 2018
“Advancements in NMR Crystallography for Exploring Polymorphism”, New York University, New York, NY, USA, March 2018
“Structure Elucidation from NMR Crystallography and DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR”, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, August 2017
“Solid-State NMR: A Powerful Tool for Crystal Structure Determination”, University of Galway, Ireland, May 2016
“Crystal Structure Determination Using Powder NMR Crystallography”, University of Cambridge, UK, December 2015
“Insights into the Structure and Dynamics of the N-terminal Fragment of the Huntingtin Protein”, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, April 2015
“NMR Structural Characterization of Powdered Crystalline Materials and Proteins in Solution”, Technion, Haifa, Israel, March 2015
“Solving Structures by NMR: From Powdered Crystalline Materials to Proteins in Solution”, New York University New York, UAE, March 2015
“Solving Structures by NMR: From Powdered Crystalline Materials to Proteins in Solution”, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE, February 2015
“NMR Structure Elucidation of Powdered Crystalline Materials and Proteins in Solution”, Ben-Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, Israel, December 2014
“Solving Structures by NMR: From Powdered Crystalline Materials to Proteins in Solution”, Tel Aviv University, Israel, December 2014
“NMR: A Powerful Tool for Structure Determination”, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, December 2014
“Crystal Structure Determination from High-Resolution Proton NMR and Crystal Structure Prediction”, CEA Saclay, France, December 2013
“Powder NMR Crystallography: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach” at the Theoretical Chemistry Group Seminar, ENS Lyon, France, September 2011
“New Insights into Crystal Structure Prediction: Combining First-Principles Calculations with Solid-State NMR Experiments” at the Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2011
“The role of Density Functional Theory in NMR Crystallography” at the Navy Research Lab, Washington DC, USA, June 2011
“Powder NMR Crystallography” at the SMARTER2 (Structure elucidation by coMbining mAgnetic Resonance compuTation modEling and diffRactions) Workshop, Aveiro, Portugal, May 2011
“Crystal Structure Prediction: Combining Experiments with First-Principles Calculations” at the BRSG Summer Meeting: Calculations in Magnetic Resonance, Oxford, UK, September 2010
“Combining First-Principles Calculations with High-Resolution NMR for Crystal Structure Prediction” at the Centre de RMN aÌ€ treÌ€s hauts champs, Villeurbanne, France, August 2010
“Crystal Structure Prediction from First Principles and Solid-State NMR” in a Magnetic Resonance Seminar at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, April 2010
“Predicting Perovskites Structure from First Principles” in a Computational Seminar, St. Andrews, U.K., December 2009
“Proton spin-diffusion NMR on grafted polymers and wool keratin denaturation” at the 28th GDCh Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Tuebingen, Germany, September 2006
“Experimental and DFT investigation on some biomedical compounds” at the 6th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Constanta, Romania, July 2005
Contributed Talks
“NMR Crystallography Advancements for Exploring Polymorphism” (Renny Mathew, Ivan Sergeyev, Melanie Rosay, Fabien Aussenac, Werner Maas, Chris J. Pickard, Bart Kahr, Maria Baias) at the SMASH (Small Molecules Are Still Hot) Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, September 2018
“NMR Crystallography Advancements for Exploring Polymorphism” (Renny Mathew, Ivan Sergeyev, Melanie Rosay, Fabien Aussenac, Werner Maas, Chris J. Pickard, Bart Kahr, Maria Baias) at the SMARTER6 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2018
“Mobile Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a Tool for Cultural Heritage” (Christian Rehorn, Denis Jaschtschuk, Bernhard Bluemich, Maria Baias) at the 4th International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), London, UK, June 2018
“NMR Crystallography for Structure Elucidation of Powdered Crystalline Materials” (Maria Baias, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Anne Lesage, Cory M. Widdifield, Graeme M. Day, Lyndon Emsley) at the Developments and Applications of Solid State NMR to Materials Science, Chemistry and Engineering Conference, Varna, Bulgaria, May 2016
“Crystal Structure Determination of Materials Using Powder Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Crystallography” (Maria Baias, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Anne Lesage, Cory M. Widdifield, Graeme M. Day, Staffan Schantz, Sonia Aguado, Jerome Canivet, David Farrusseng, Lyndon Emsley) at the International Workshop on Advanced Materials, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, February, 2016
“Crystal Structure Determination using Powder NMR Crystallography” (Maria Baias, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Anne Lesage, Cory M. Widdifield, Graeme M. Day, Staffan Schantz, Sonia Aguado, Jerome Canivet, David Farrusseng, Lyndon Emsley) at the Euromar Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2015
“Structure and Dynamics of the N-terminal Huntingtin exon-1 terminus: A solution NMR perspective (Maria Baias, Pieter E. S. Smith, Koning Shen, Lukasz A. Joachimiak, Szymon Zerko, Wiktor Kozminski, Tatyana Polenova, Judith Frydman, Lucio Frydman) at the I-CORE (Israel Centers of Research Excellence) meeting, Rehovot, Israel, June 2015
“NMR Assignment and Dynamics of the N-terminal region of the Huntingtin protein” (Maria Baias, Pieter E. S. Smith, Koning Shen, Lukasj A. Joachimiak, Judith Frydman, Lucio Frydman) at the Euromar Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2014
“Crystal Structure Determination from High-Resolution Proton NMR and Crystal Structure Prediction” (Maria Baias, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Graeme M. Day, Elodie Salager, Sonia Augado, Jerome Canivet, Virginie Moizan-Basle, David Farruseng, Anne Lesage, Lyndon Emsley) at the SMASH (Small Molecules Are Still Hot) conference, Providence, RI, USA, September 2012
“Is structure prediction the right path towards crystal structure determination?” (Maria Baias, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Graeme Day, Lyndon Emsley) at the Gordon Research Seminar, Biddeford, Maine, USA, June 2011
“Crystal Structure of Type II Red Phosphorus from First Principles and Solid-State NMR” (Maria Baias, Richard A. L. Winchester, Milo S. P. Shaffer, Max Whitby, John M. Griffin, Sharon E. Ashbrook, Chris J. Pickard) at the Rocky Mountains Conference on Solid-State NMR, Snowmass, Colorado, USA, August 2010
“Structure prediction for NaNbO3 perovskites” (Maria Baias, Karen E. Johnston, Sharon E. Ashbrook, Chris J. Pickard) at the Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference, Coventry, U.K., December 2009
“Structure prediction for NaNbO3 perovskites” (Maria Baias, Karen E. Johnston, Sharon E. Ashbrook, Chris J. Pickard) at the Structure Prediction Conference, London, UK, September 2009
“Solid-State NMR Studies of Keratin Fibers Subjected to Thermal Denaturation” (Maria Baias, Dan E. Demco, Crisan Popescu, Bernhard Bluemich) at the 3rd Conference on Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2008
“Thermal Denaturation of Keratin Fibers Investigated by 1H Solid-State NMR” (Maria Baias, Dan E. Demco, Crisan Popescu, Bernhard Bluemich) at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Solid-State NMR, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, July 2008
“Relaxation in Polymers and Elastomers” (Maria Baias, Bernhard Bluemich) at an NMR workshop, ITMC, RWTH-Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, February 2008
“Investigation of Ancient Mummies and Bones by NMR and Computer Tomography” (Maria Baias, Frank Ruehli, Juan Perlo, Federico Casanova, Kerstin Muennemann, Hendrik Von Waldburg, Bernhard Bluemich) at the 9th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Aachen, Germany, September 2007
Poster Presentations
“Identifying Aspirin Polymorphs from Combined DFT-based Crystal Structure Prediction and Solid-State NMR” (Lydia Gkoura, Renny Mathew, Karolina A. Uchman, Chris J. Pickard, Maria Baias) at the ENC (Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Conference (zoom), March 2021
“NMR Crystallography of Aspirin” (Renny Mathew, Karolina A. Uchman, Chris J. Pickard, Bart Kahr, Maria Baias) at the ENC (Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Conference, Asilomar, California, USA, April 2019
“NMR Crystallography of Aspirin” (Renny Mathew, Maria Baias) at the 3rd Annual Graduate & Postdoctoral Research Showcase, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE, February 2019
“Miniaturized In Situ High-Pressure System for 7 mm Standard NMR Rotors” (Filipp Mueller, Maria Baias) at the Second Middle-Eastern Materials Science Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 2018
“Complete Structural Assignment of a Pharmaceutical Drug by Combining DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR and DFT Calculations” (Renny Mathew, Ivan Sergeyev, Melanie Rosay, Fabien Aussenac, Werner Maas, Maria Baias) at the Second Middle-Eastern Materials Science Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 2018
“Mobile Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a Tool for Cultural Heritage Research” (Christian Rehorn, Dennis Jaschtschuk, Bernhard Bluemich, Maria Baias) at the Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research, Castelldefels, Spain, July 2018
“In Situ High-Pressure Solid State NMR under Magic Angle Spinning” (Filipp Mueller, Maria Baias) at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Snowbird, Utah, USA, July 2018
“Complete Structural Assignment of a Pharmaceutical Drug by Combining DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR and DFT Calculations” (Renny Mathew, Ivan Sergeyev, Melanie Rosay, Fabien Aussenac, Werner Maas, Maria Baias) at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Snowbird, Utah, USA, July 2018
“In Situ High-Pressure Solid-State NMR” (Filipp Mueller, Maria Baias) at the 2nd Annual Research Poster Day, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 2017
“Structural Assignment of Pharmaceutical Drugs by Combining DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR and DFT Calculations” (Renny Mathew, Ivan Sergeyev, Melanie Rosay, Fabien Aussenac, Werner Maas, Maria Baias) at the 2nd Annual Research Poster Day, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 2017
“Insight into Old Master Violins from Mobile NMR” (Christian Rehorn, Dennis Jaschtschuk, Bernhard Bluemich, Maria Baias) at the IPERION user meeting, British Museum, London, UK, November 2017
“Complete Structural Assignment of a Pharmaceutical Drug by Combining DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR and DFT Calculations” (Renny Mathew, Ivan Sergeyev, Melanie Rosay, Fabien Aussenac, Werner Maas, Maria Baias) at the Euromar conference, Warsaw, Poland, July 2017
“Complete Structural Assignment of a Pharmaceutical Drug by Combining DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR and DFT Calculations” (Renny Mathew, Ivan Sergeyev, Melanie Rosay, Fabien Aussenac, Werner Maas, Maria Baias) at the ISMAR (International Society of Magnetic resonance) conference, Quebec City, Canada, July 2017
“NMR Crystallography: A Tool for Finding Crystal Structures of New Pharmaceutical Polymorphs” (Renny Mathew, Maria Baias) at the 1st Annual Research Poster Day, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 2016
“Developing Fingerprinting Systems to Identify Fake Paintings and Assign Ancient Wall Paintings through NMR Relaxation Studies” (C. Rehorn, W. Zia, T. Meldrum, C. Kehlet, E. Del Federico, G. Zolfo, J. Thompson, M. Baias, B. Bluemich) at the 13th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, Bologna, Italy, September 2016
“Solving Crystal Structures from Powder NMR Crystallography” (Maria Baias, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Anne Lesage, Cory M. Widdifield, Graeme M. Day, Lyndon Emsley) at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Breckenridge, CO, USA, July 2016
“Crystal Structure Determination using Powder NMR Crystallography” (Maria Baias, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Anne Lesage, Cory M. Widdifield, Graeme M. Day, Staffan Schantz, Sonia Aguado, Jerome Canivet, David Farrusseng, Lyndon Emsley) at the Euromar Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2015
“Insights into the Structure and Dynamics of the N-terminal Fragment of the Huntingtin Protein” (Maria Baias, Pieter E. S. Smith, Koning Shen, Lukasz A. Joachimiak, Szymon Zerko, Wiktor Kozminski, Tatyana Polenova, Judith Frydman, Lucio Frydman) at the Euromar Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2015
“Insights into the Structure and Dynamics of the N-terminal Fragment of the Huntingtin Protein” (Maria Baias, Pieter E. S. Smith, Koning Shen, Lukasj A. Joachimiak, Szymon Zerko, Wiktor Kozminski, Judith Frydman, Lucio Frydman) at the Frontiers in Chemical Sciences Symposium, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, May 2015
“NMR Assignment and Dynamics of the N-terminal region of the Huntingtin protein” (Maria Baias, Pieter E. S. Smith, Koning Shen, Lukasj A. Joachimiak, Judith Frydman, Lucio Frydman) at the Euromar Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2014
“Powder NMR Crystallography from Proton Chemical Shifts: Cocaine and Other Drugs” (Maria Baias, Cory M. Widdifield, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Timothy G. Cooper, Hugh P. G. Thompson, Elodie Salager, Sirena Bassil, Robin S. Stein, Anne Lesage, Staffan Schantz, Graeme M. Day, Lyndon Emsley) at the ENC (Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Conference, Asilomar, California, USA, April 2013
“Crystal Structure Determination from High-Resolution Proton NMR and Crystal Structure Prediction” (Maria Baias, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Graeme M. Day, Elodie Salager, Sonia Augado, Jerome Canivet, Virginie Moizan-Basle, David Farruseng, Anne Lesage, Lyndon Emsley) at the SMASH (Small Molecules Are Still Hot) conference, Providence, RI, USA, September 2012 – awarded best poster prize
Powder NMR Crystallography: Measuring & Using Proton Chemical Shifts” (Maria Baias, Meghan E. Halse, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Elodie Salager, Robin S. Stein, Benedicte Elena, Chris J. Pickard, Graeme Day, Lyndon Emsley) at the 7th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR, Chamonix – Mont Blanc, France, September 2011
“Is structure prediction the right path towards crystal structure determination?” (Maria Baias, Jean-Nicolas Dumez, Graeme Day, Lyndon Emsley) at the Gordon Research Conference, Biddeford, ME, USA, June 2011
“Crystal Structure of Type II Red Phosphorus from First Principles and Solid-State NMR” (Maria Baias, Richard A. L. Winchester, Milo S. P. Shaffer, Max Whitby, John M. Griffin, Sharon E. Ashbrook, Chris J. Pickard) at the Rocky Mountains Conference on Solid-State NMR, Snowmass, Colorado, USA, August 2010
“Structure Prediction of Perovskites: Combining Experiment with First-Principles Calculations” (Karen E. Johnston, Maria Baias, Chris J. Pickard, Philip Lightfoot, Sharon E. Ashbrook) at the ScotCHEM Computational Chemistry Symposium, Glasgow, UK, April 2010
“Perovskites Structure from First Principles and Solid-State NMR” (Maria Baias, Karen E. Johnston, Sharon E. Ashbrook, Chris J. Pickard) at the Thomas Young Centre Open Day, London, UK, January 2010
“Proton exchange and state of water in poly(ether ether ketone)/SiO2 hybrid proton exchange membrane by 1H solid-state NMR” (Maria Baias, Dan E. Demco, Irene Colicchio, Martin Moeller, Bernhard Bluemich) at the 6th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR, Chamonix- Mont Blanc, France, September 2009
“On-Line Monitoring of the Methyl Methacrylate Polymerization Reaction by Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR” (Maria Baias, Bernhard Bluemich, Stephan Appelt) at the 30th GDCh Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Regensburg, Germany, Sepember 2008
“Application of the NMR-MOUSE to Cultural Heritage” (M. Baias, J. Perlo, F. Casanova, F. Presciutti, A. Sgamellotti, F. Ruehli, B. Hasenauer-Ramirez, B. Bluemich) at the Euromar conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 2008
“Thermal Denaturation of Keratin by 1H Solid-State NMR” (Maria Baias, Daniel Istrate, Crisan Popescu, Dan E. Demco, Martin Moeller, Bernhard Bluemich) at the Aachen Dresden International Textile Conference, Aachen, Germany, November 2007
“Proton dynamics of sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)/SiO2 hybrid proton exchange membrane by 1H high resolution solid-state NMR, relaxometry and diffusiometry” (Maria Baias, Dan E. Demco, Irene Colicchio, Martin Moeller, Bernhard Bluemich) at the 5th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR, Chamonix-Mont Blanc, France, September 2007
“Hydration Studies of Leather: Mobile One and Two Dimensional NMR with the NMR- MOUSE” (N.N. Fathima, M. Baias, E. Talnishnikh, T. Ramsami, B. Blümich) at the 9th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Aachen, Germany, September 2007
“Non-invasive spatial tissue discrimination in ancient mummies and bones in situ by portable nuclear magnetic resonance” (Maria Baias, Juan Perlo, Federico Casanova, Frank Ruehli, Thomas Boeni, Eduart Egarter, Bernhard Bluemich) at the Euromar conference, Tarragona, Spain, July 2007
“Proton Low and High Field NMR Studies of Naturally Aged Low Density Polyethylene” (Alina Adams, Maria Baias, Bernhard Bluemich) at the 6th Colloquium on Mobile Magnetic Resonance, Aachen, Germany, September 2006
“Complete experimental and theoretical investigation of the antimicrobian drug 5-3-pyridil methyliden thiazolidin 2-thion-4ona” (M. Baias, A. Pirnau, V. Chis, M. Vasilescu, O. Cozar, O. Oniga) at the 4th Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2005
“Inter and Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding Properties in Benziliden-Thiazolidin Derivatives, Investigated by Spectroscopic and Theoretical Methods” (A. Pirnau, Maria Baias, V. Chis, M. Vasilescu, O. Cozar, O. Oniga) at the 4th Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2005
“Molecular and Vibrational Sturcture of 5-Para-Bromo-Benziliden–Tiazolidin-2-Tion-4-Ona. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation” (A. Pirnau, M. Baias, O. Oniga, V. Chis, M. Vasilescu, O. Cozar) at the 1st Conference on Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2004
Courses Taught at the University
Inorganic Chemistry - at New York University Abu Dhabi
Conserving Our Global Heritage through Science - at New York University Abu Dhabi
Foundations of Science - at New York University Abu Dhabi
Directed Study in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Crystallography - at New York University Abu Dhabi
Guest lectures on: "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", "Spectroscopy", "Pharmaceutical Polymorphism", "Science of Wall Paintings at Herculaneum", "Conservation Science" - at New York University Abu Dhabi
Tutorials and Labs:
Physics tutorials - at University College London, UK
Macromolecular Chemistry labs - at RWTH-Aachen University, Germany